Mga Pahina

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rising by Darnella Ford

           I felt it was really disgusting on the part of Symone to know the truth about Huston’s couple secret agenda and ask the advice of her boyfriend about her situation in the mansion. But what happened next that surprised me. I didn’t expect that amidst in the situation, Symone will find out that the person she hated the most, is her biological father. I guess, due to her mixed emotion, she felt guilty of what she did to her father. In which she killed her own father. I think it was the right that  Symone and her boyfriend will start a new life behind those occurrences that they surpass.
            When I was in Elementary, I had a friend of mine, who experienced the same with Symone. Although this was not my story, I would like to share this thing, on how cruel and brutal his stepfather. According to her, every time her mother is not around, her stepfather was doing something with her. She was used by her stepfather whenever her mother is not around. She told me that she can’t easily asked for help because she was given a threat to her stepfather, that whoever knows about that, her stepfather will kill her mother.
            Another connection I had with this story, in the family of my sister. My nephew was given a threat because he found out that the cousin of his father was having an affair with my sister. That’s why the guy keeps on looking my nephew to find out if he tells the secret to others. Then my nephew asked the help of my mother. And the conflict was resolved, when my sister decided to stay with the guy.
              I wonder why Dolores, the mother of Symone, didn’t tell the truth that Symone’s father was still alive and own’s a company and prominent man in Michigan? I would find it hard , in the part of Symone to accept the truth about her father existence because what she know that she was abandoned by her father, that’s why they live in a slum area. I also couldn’t figure out why Symone killed Ridge Huston, where in fact he provides everything to her?  Would she continue to kill her stepfather, if she know earlier that Ridge was her true father? Did Madeline Huston have any obligations toward Symone? If so, what are they?
            I think Symone will help those women recover from those bad experiences that they had. And begin to rise from her feet to face her renewed life.

Part II.

8. Ask Questions about things that confuse you or that you wonder about. Describe your feelings about the events in one chapter.

1.) Does Madeline Huston have any obligations toward Symone? If so, what are they?
2.) Are stepparents obligated to love their stepchildren? And if by happenstance they find themselves “not liking” their stepchildren, how should the conflict be resolved?
3.) Who should have “rescued” Symone? Who bore the greatest responsibility in this area? Who failed Symone the most?
4.) Symone asks the poignant question, “Would I walk through the flames instead of standing in the fire petitioning the crowd by playing victim to the hilt”? What led Symone to make such a profound declaration? And did   she in fact play “victim”? How or why?

Chapter one

            In this chapter, the author introduces Symone and her mother, Dolores. They lived each other and share everything, even if in their personal things like toothbrush and towel. But as I continue reading, I was really disappointed with her mother because as a parent, she must provide the basic needs of her daughter, giving her good food, clothes and taking good care of her. And as a human nature, and if I were Symone, I will get angry with her because she can’t provide my needs and has no descent work. And I will blame her, why Symone’s life becomes ruin. And if I will be in the part of Dolores, maybe I will be the luckiest mother in the world because seldom you can find a loving and a kind-hearted like Symone that can sacrifice even if her happiness just to please her mother, Dolores.

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